30 July 2020 ~ Weimar, Germany

DVL Earth Building Prize for Young Academics 2020

The German Association for Earth Building, the Dachverband Lehm e. V. (DVL), announces the DVL Earth Building Prize for Young Academics 2020. The prize aims to promote the study of earth building in an academic context. It recognises academic work of excellent quality that demonstrates a firm knowledge of earth building and makes a forward-looking and original contribution in the fields of design, construction, research or development.

Theses / final projects are invited in one or more of the following subject areas:

  • Regulations and building codes,
  • Research (e.g. development, testing or assessment of materials),
  • Education and professional training,
  • Sustainability,
  • Design approaches (modern / traditional earth building).

The thesis or project topic can relate to an international context.


Dachverband Lehm e. V. (DVL)


Applicants are invited to submit a successfully completed bachelor, diploma or master thesis project or doctoral dissertation in German or English. The work should have been completed within the three years prior to the time of the prize award in Oktober 2020. Please use the attached application form.

Awarding of the prize

The prize will be awarded during the LEHM 2020 – 8th international Conference on Building with Earth from 30 October – 1 November 2020 in Weimar.

Assessment procedure

The prize is a single-stage competition. Submissions are initially assessed with regard to relevance to the aforementioned subject areas of the prize. The jury then assesses the level of scientific expertise, innovative potential and design quality of the final projects or theses, and selects one or more submissions for the prize.

Prize money

A total of 1500 € is available and will be divided among the prize winners as per the number of awarded projects / theses.


Submissions will be judged by the Scientific Committee of the LEHM 2020.


Applications are invited from graduates of a university or equivalent institution (e.g. Hochschule). Applicants should submit their final project or thesis in digital form (PDF format) along with the respective university’s grade / assessment. An accompanying letter of recommendation from the academic supervisor or assessor is recommended.

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submissions is 30 July 2020.


Full details and an application form can be downloaded from the LEHM 2020 homepage.

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