19 – 22 September 2007 ~ Tamaulipas, Mexico
6th Latin American Seminar of Earth Construction
- Start Date: 2007-09-19
- End Date: 2007-09-22
- The “VI Seminario Iberoamericano de Construcción con Tierra” is organised by: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Tampico. Tamaulipas. México Universidad…
The “VI Seminario Iberoamericano de Construcción con Tierra” is organised by:
- Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
- Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Tampico. Tamaulipas. México
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco.
associated organisations:
- Fondos Mixtos Conacyt – Tamaulipas.
- Consejo Tamaulipeco de Ciencia y Tecnología.
- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- Instituto Tamaulipeco de la Vivienda y el Urbanismo
supported by:
- Red Iberoamericana Proterra
- Colegio de Arquitectos del Sur de Tamaulipas, a.c.
- ICOMOS Mexicano, AC
Fee before 31st August : $ 500.00 (participants from abroad $ 45.00 Dollars).
Fee after 31st August : $ 550.00 (participants from abroad $ 48.00 Dollars)
Fees for Students $ 150.00 FADU
Instructions for submissions
Submissions must be received by 31st July 2007. The following is a summary of the requirements: Each paper should be be no longer than 20 minutes, minimum 7 pages, maximum 10 pages. Papers will be examined by the editorial committee who will evaluate and decide which papers will be submitted. The editors may require clarification or modification to the originals.
Papers should be provided as Word files, formatted in Arial, 10 pt, in two columns, the first line of each paragraph should be indented. The main title at the beginning of the paper should be in upper case, bold, 10pt, all subsequent titles in 10pt Bold, in upper and lower case. At the end of the paper, separated by a line with an asterisk, the paper can include a brief CV of the author, max. 6 lines at 8 pt, followed by the contact details, academic position, name of the institution and department.
The bibliography should be presented in three columns, the first containing the name(s) of the author(s), the second the year of publication and the third the TITLE in capital letters, emboldened, and the editor, city and number of pages.
Papers should ideally be submitted in Spanish (Castellano). It may be possible to accept submissions in English, French, Portuguese and some Latin American languages. Notes should be formatted as endnotes (at the end of the article) and numbered consecutively. Each page should be numbered.
Images, graphics and photographs should be provided in JPG format with sufficient size and detail for reproduction at 200dpi, preferably in black and white. Indicate clearly where images, maps, graphics or photos should appear in the text.
- The current state of earth architecture – creativity and sustainability.
- Construction with earth – state of the art and critical problem areas
- Investigations and description of technologies
- Historic buildings – investigation and intervention
- Real-life projects, social, individual and prototypes
- Education, development and training
Poster exhibition
A poster exhibition will take place during the congress. We invite all those participating with a submission to present exhibits of their work in the form of posters with the following dimensions: 60 cm horizontal, 90 cm vertical. The title of the congress should be written clearly across the top as follows: “VI Seminario Iberoamericano de Construcción con Tierra”.
Wednesday, 19th September 2007
8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 – 9:30 Inauguration
Session 1: Norms for selecting appropriate soil types
9:30-10:30 Introduction/Keynote
10:30-12:00 Papers
14:00-15:00 Papers
15:00-17:00 Papers
Thursday, 20th September 2007
Session 2: Norms for contemporary building with earth
8:00 – 9:00 Introduction/Keynote
9:00 – 12:00 Papers
14:00-15:00 Papers
15:00-17:00 Papers
Friday, 21st September 2007
8:00-8:30 Definition of work topic areas.
8:30-14:00 Work topic areas
14:00-17:30 Presentation of preliminary norm proposals
17:30-19:00 Final debate and conclusions
Saturday, 22nd September 2007
8:30-12:00 Training workshop and technology transfer
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Workshop continuation
16:00-17:00 Presentation of certificates and publication of seminar.
(Note: this is a translation from the Spanish and may not be 100% accurate).