How do I write an article?

Articles are more detailed contributions on a specific topic. They could be an event, a dissertation abstract, details of a research project, a notice for a ‘call for papers’, details of your institute facilities etc. Write one article for each topic.

the 'Content › Write' pane

  1. With the exception of your profile, all other written content is accessed in the Content area. Click on Content and then Write to begin a new article.
    the 'Write' pane
  2. Enter the Title of your article in the field marked Title and the Text in the large field marked Text.
    Write Pane – Title and Text fields
    Optional: Write a brief synopsis of the article content in the field marked excerpt. This will appear in the list of articles.
    Write Pane – Excerpt field
  3. What kind of article are you writing?
    Where applicable, choose a category from the drop-down menu under Sort and Display:

    Write Pane – Set Category
  4. Is your article for a forthcoming event?
    Yes: then enter the start and finish dates of the event in the format yyyy-mm-dd:
    Write Pane – Event dates
    Then add a link to your event (where available, without http://) and add the geographic location of the event (town, country).
    Write Pane – Event link and location
    If your article is not an event, just ignore the Custom Fields.
  5. Click Publish to publish your article. It will immediately be live.
    Write Pane – Publish button

If you don’t have all details to hand but would like to begin an article, you can set the Status to Draft. Later, when you are ready to publish it online, set the status to Live.