World Adobe Forum
The World Adobe Forum is a website (under development) dedicated to the sharing of information about safer adobe-mudbrick housing.
The website is being supported by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE), the EERI-IAEE World Housing Encyclopaedia and a multi-disciplinary panel of experts and advocates from around the world.
The forum will include submissions from all areas related to adobe within a seismic context, including:
- experimental testing and analysis
- field research
- application / implementation.
Contributions will encompass social and technical, academic and practical aspects of adobe, and focus on the processes and outcomes (inclusive of successes, lessons learned, problems and solutions). Submissions will be initially welcomed in English and Spanish and will be peer-reviewed prior to posting on the website.
It is envisaged that the World Adobe Forum will become the premier global adobe information hub, covering the full spectrum of aseismic adobe–related information from around the world. It is hoped that via the World Adobe Forum this valuable information will be more effectively transferred to application in the field, making inroads in the challenge to reduce the vulnerability of adobe houses in high risk areas around the world.
The World Adobe Forum is currently under development, and is expected to come on-line in early 2006. Stay tuned!
Further information on the preliminary World Adobe Forum website